
The Portus Project has generated a wide range of academic and popular outputs. The following summary list indicates this range.

Principal Publications

These are mostly peer-reviewed.


Keay, S., Millett, M., Paroli, L. and Strutt, K. (2005), Portus. An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 15. London: BSR.

Keay, S. and Paroli, L. (eds) (2011), Portus and its Hinterland: Recent Archaeological ResearchArchaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome. London: BSR

Keay, S. (ed.) (2012), Rome, Portus and the MediterraneanArchaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 21. London: BSR

Keay, S. Millett, M., Strutt, K. and Germoni, P. (eds) (2020), The Isola Sacra. An Archaeological Survey by the Portus Project 2007-2012, Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monograph Series. 

Keay, S., with Earl, G. and Felici, F. (In press 2024), Uncovering the Harbour Buildings. Excavations at Portus 2007-2012 Volume I. The Surveys, Excavations and Architectural Reconstructions of the Palazzo Imperiale and Adjacent buildings. British School at Rome Studies: Cambridge University Press.

Mladenović, D., Felici, F., and S. J. Keay (eds.) (Forthcoming 2025) Living and Trading at the Harbour of Imperial Rome. The Specialist Reports from the Excavations at Portus 2007–2012. Archaeopress: Oxford.

Keay, S., F. Felici, D. Mladenović et al. (Forthcoming), Excavations of the Residential Area of the Palazzo Imperiale (Areas D and K) at Portus (2013-2015). Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome.


Delile, H. Bichert-Toft, J. Goiran, J.P. Keay, S. & Albarede, F. (2014), ‘Lead in Ancient Rome’s Waters’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 111 no. 18: 6594-99.

Earl, G., Keay, S. and Beale, G. (2008), ‘Computer Graphic Modelling at Portus: Analysis, Reconstruction and Representation of the Claudian and Trajanic Harbours,’ inProceedings of EARSEL SIG Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca. Rome 2008: 165-72.

Earl, G. Keay, S. and Beale, G. (2010), ‘Evaluating Gismondi’s representation of Portus, the port of Imperial Rome’, Virtual Archaeology Review 2010 (April): 19–23.

Earl, G., Beale, G. and Keay, S. (2011), ‘Archaeological computing for the recording and presentation of Roman Portus’, in S. Keay and Paroli, L. (eds.), Portus and Its Hinterland. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18. London: British School at Rome, pp. 101–26.

Earl, G., Martinez, K. and Malzbender, T. (2010), ‘Archaeological applications of polynomial texture mapping: Analysis, conservation and representation’. Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 2040–50. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2010.03.009

Earl, G., Porcelli, V., Papadopoulos, C., Beale, G., Harrison, M., Pagi and Keay, S. (2013), ‘Formal and Informal Rendered Space: the Basilica Portuense’, in A. Bevan and M. Lake (eds.) Computational Approaches to Archaeological Spaces. Abingdon, Left Coast Press. 

Gasparini, E., Keay, S., Earl, G. and Felici, F. (2010), ‘Nuovi rivestimenti marmorei dal “Palazzo Imperiale” di Portus, in AISCOM’, Atti del XVI colloquio dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico. Palermo, 17–19 marzo 2010. Tivoli: Edizione Scripta Manent, 519–27.

Gasparini, E.Cascino, R., Felici, F. and Keay, S. (2019), ‘Opera sectilia from the Seafront of the Palazzo Imperiale at Portus (Fiumicino, Italy)’, in D. Michaelides (ed.), Actes de la 14Ăšme Conference de l’Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la MosaĂŻque Antique (AIEMA), 15–19 October 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Germoni, P., Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K. (2011), ‘The Isola Sacra: Reconstructing the Roman landscape’, in S. Keay and L. Paroli (eds.), Portus and Its Hinterland: Recent Archaeological Research. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18. London: British School at Rome, pp. 231–60.

Germoni, P., Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K. (2018), ‘Ostia beyond the Tiber: Recent archaeological discoveries’, in F. Zevi, M. CĂ©beillac-Gervasoni and N. Laubry (eds.), Ricerche su Ostia e il suo territorio. Atti del terzo seminario ostiense. Roma: Ecole française de Rome. http://books.openedition.org/efr/3734

Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Salomon, F. Ballantyne, R. and Margaritis, E. (2009), ‘Étude des canaux de Portus, delta du Tibre – RĂ©sultats de la campagne de carottage 2008’. Chronique. MĂ©langes de l’École française de Rome – AntiquitĂ© 121 (1): 60–4. http://cefr.revues.org/267

Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., TronchĂšre, H., Carbonel, P., Djerbi, H. and Ognard, C. (2011), ‘Caracteristiques sedimentaires du bassin portuaire de Claude: nouvelles donnees pour la localisation des ouvertures’, in S. Keay and L. Paroli (eds.), Portus and Its Hinterland: Recent Archaeological Research, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18. London: British School at Rome, pp. 31–45.

Harrison, M. (2011), Dynamic visualization of archaeological sites. Shape grammars and the visualization of the possible shipsheds at Portus. Unpublished MSc Dissertation, University of Southampton.

Harrison, M., Keay, S. and Earl, G. (2013), ‘Grammar modelling and the visualization of an uncertain past: The case of building V at Portus’, in G. Earl, T. Sly, A. Chrysanthi, P. Murrieta, K. Papadopoulos, I. Romanowska and D. Wheatley (eds.), Archaeology in the Digital Era. Papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26–29 March 2012. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press/University of Chicago Press.

Kay S., Pomar E., Keay S., Strutt K., Chapkanski S., Goiran JP. (2019), ‘Integrating geophysical and geoarchaeological surveys for the reconstruction of a Roman Port infrastructure: the Claudian Harbour at Portus’, in J. Bonsall (ed.) New global perspectives on archaeological prospection. 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Oxford: Archeopress, 99-103.

Keay, S. (2009), ‘The Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 77, 323-5.

Keay, S. (2009), ‘La scena ritrovata?’, Rivista di Archeo December: 42–51.

Keay, S. (2010), ‘Portus and the Alexandrian grain trade revisited’, in S. Keay and and G. Boetto (eds.), ‘Portus, Ostia and the ports of the Roman Mediterranean. Contributions from archaeology and history’, in H. Di Giuseppe and M. Dalla Riva (eds.), Meetings between Cultures in the Ancient MediterraneanProceedings of the 17th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Rome 22–26 Sept. 2008Bolletino di Archeologia Onlinehttp://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/3_Keay_paper.pdf (last accessed 17/2/2019)

Keay, S. (2010), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 78, 330-33

Keay, S. (2011), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 79, 385-7.

Keay, S. (2012), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 80, 374-6

Keay, S. (2013), ‘The Roman Ports Project’. Papers of the British School at Rome 81: 366–71.

Keay, S. (2013), ‘Porto, sfide alla nostra conoscenza’. Carnets de recherche: Rome, le Tibre, le littoral. Online: http://romatevere.hypotheses.org/752.

Keay, S. (2014), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 82: 335–8.

Keay, S. (2015), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 83: 302–8.

Keay, S. (2015), ‘The role of ports in promoting cohesion and diversity in the political, economic and cultural life of the Roman Mediterranean’, inA. Riera, J. Guitart and S. Giner (eds.), Les Villes MediterrannĂ©ennes: Civilisation et developpementPublicacions de la PresidĂšncia, SĂšrie Major, 2. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, pp. 98–116.

Keay, S. (2015), I porti di Roma Imperiale, in O. Rossini (ed.). Nutrire il impero. Storie di alimentazione di Roma e Pompei. Catalogo della mostra all’Ara Pacis, Roma (luglio-novembre 2015). Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 49-60.

Keay, S. (2015), ‘The potential of ancient ports for the advancement of archaeological science, in J. M. AlvĂĄrez MartĂ­nez, T. Nogales and I. RodĂ  (edd.) XVIII Convegno Internacional de ArquelogiAC. Centro y periferia en el mundo clasico. S1. Arqueologia clĂ sica. Las nuevas tecnologias, metodos analĂ­ticos y estrategias de difusiĂłn. Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica: MĂ©rida, 59-66.

Keay, S. (2015), ‘The Role of Ports in Promoting Cohesion and Diversity in the Political, Economic and Cultural Life of the Roman Mediterranean’, in Les villes mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes: civilisation et development: 90-108. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans and IEDMed, 98-116.

Keay, S. (2016), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 84: 306-11.

Keay, S. (2016), ‘Portus in Context’, in K. Höghammer, A. Lindhagen and B. Alroth. (eds.) Ancient Ports. The Geography of Connections. Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 34: 291-322.

Keay, S. (2016), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 84: 306–10.

Keay, S. (2017), Le strutture portuali a Porto, in C. Parisi Presicce, M. Milella, S. Pastor and L. Ungaro (edd.) Traiano. Costruire l’Impero Creare Europa. Rome: De Luca, 190-6.

Keay, S. (2018), ‘The role played by the Portus Augusti in flows of commerce between Rome and its Mediterranean ports’, in B. Woytek (ed.), Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies. The Flow of Money, Goods and Services. International Congress 28–31 October 2014. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture, Division Documenta Antiqua, pp. 147-94. 

Keay, S. (2018), ‘Portus e Ostia: I porti di arrivo e i luoghi di stocaggio’, in C. Panella (ed.) Roma Universalis. L’impero e la dinastia venuta dall’Africa. Rome: Electa, 246-251.

Keay, S. (2018), ‘I porti di Roma’, in C. Panella (ed.) Roma Universalis. L’impero e la dinastia venuta dall’Africa. Rome: Electa, 252-5.

Keay, S. and Kay, S. (2018), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 85: 317-20.

Keay, S. (2020), ‘The Portus Romae’, in A. Karivieri (ed.) Ostia. Gateway to Rome. Catalogue to the Exhibition. 

Keay, S. (2020) ‘ Sacra’, in A. Karivieri (ed.) Ostia. Gateway to Rome. Catalogue to the Exhibition. 

Keay, S. (2020), ‘Portus’, In J.P. Vallat and G. Triana, L. Tholbecq, R. Gonzalez Villaescusa and J. P. Vallat (eds) Les mondes romains: questions d’archĂ©ologie et d’histoire.  Paris, Leclerc. 

Keay, S. (2020), ‘Il contesto del Emporio nel sistema portuario della Roma imperiale’, in A. Contino and R. Sebastiani (edd.) Atti della Giornata di ricerche sul Monte Testaccio. Col.lecio Istrumenta. Barcelona (20pp).

Keay, S., Campbell, P. Crawford, K., and Moreno Escobar, M. C. (2020), ‘Space, Accessibility and Movement through the Portus Romae’, in F. Vermeulen and A. Zuiderhoek (edd.) Space, Movement and the Economy in Roman Cities in Italy and Beyond. International Workshop 12-14 September 2018, Porto Recanati and Treia (Marche, Italy). London, Routledge.

Keay, S. (2020), ‘Reflections upon the Challenges in Documenting Portus Romae, the Maritime Port of Imperial Rome’, in L. Chioffi and S. OrmĂ€ (edd.) Il Mediterraneo e la Storia III. Documenting Port Cities. Capri 9-10-11 May 2019. Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae. Rome, Quasar.

Keay, S. (2020), ‘Rethinking the relationship between Ostia and Portus’, in D. Fillippi (ed.), The Spatial Turn and the Archaeology of Roman Italy: New Perspectives in the Study of Urban Space. London: Routledge. 

Keay, S. (2020), ‘Making Rome a ‘city of marble: reconsidering the organization of marble import, storage and distribution at Portus, in D. Gorostidi Pi & A. GutiĂ©rrez-GarcĂ­a (edd.) Barcino-Tarraco-Roma. Poder i Prestigi en Marbre.Tarragona: Institut CatalĂ  d’Arqueologia ClĂ ssica.

Keay, S. and Boetto, G. (eds) (2010). Portus, Ostia and the Ports of the Roman Mediterranean. Contributions from Archaeology and History. In H. Di Giuseppe and M. Dalla Riva (ed.) Meetings between Cultures in the Ancient Mediterranean. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Rome 22-26 September 2008. Available at: Bolletino di Archeologia Online

Keay, S., Cascino, R., Felici, F. and Zampini, S. (2015),. ‘Riflessioni preliminari sulla ceramica di Portus’, in E. Cirelli, F. Disosono and H. Patterson (eds.), Convegno. Le forme della crisi. Produzioni ceramiche e commerci nell’Italia centrale tra Romani e Longobardi (III–VIII sec. D.C.). Atti del Convegno, Spoleto-Campello sul Clitunno, 5–7 Ottobre 2012. Bologna: Ante Quem, 555–60.

Keay, S., Cascino, R. and Kay, S. (2012), ‘Integrated approaches to the archaeology of Portus’, in H. Porfyriou and L. Genovese (eds.), Water shapes. Strategie di valorizzazione del patrimonio cultural legato all’acqua. Rome: Palombi Editore, 131–48.

Keay, S., Cox, G. and Earl, G. (2019), ‘Die Grosse hafen Roms,’ In Auferstehung der antike. ArchĂ€ologische StĂ€tten digital rekonstruiert. Berlin: Von Zabern, 74-77.

Keay, S., Earl, G. Hay, S., Kay, S. Ogden, J.& Strutt, K. (2008), ‘The Potential of Archaeological Geophysics: The Work of the British School at Rome in Italy’, in L. Orlando (ed.), Geofisica: possibilita e limiti. Palazzo Massimo Rome 10 Dicembre 2008. Rome: Consiglio Nazionale di Ricerca, 25-44.

Keay, S., Earl, G., Beale, G., Davis, N., Ogden, J., Strutt, K., Felici, F., Millett, M., Kay, S. and Cascino, R. (2013), ‘Challenges of port landscapes. Integrating geophysics, open area excavation and computer graphic visualisation at Portus and the Isola Sacra’, in P. Johnson and M. Millett (eds.), Archaeological Survey and the CityUniversity of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology Monograph no. 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 303–57.

Keay, S., Earl, G. and Felici, F. (2011), ‘Excavation and survey at the Palazzo Imperiale 2007–2009’, in S. Keay and L. Paroli (eds.), Portus and Its Hinterland. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18. London: BSR, 67–92.

Keay, S. with Earl, G., Felici, F., Copeland, P., Cascino, R., Kay, S. and Triantafillou, C. (2012), ‘Interim report on an enigmatic new Trajanic building at Portus’, Journal of Roman Archaeology 25: 486–512.

Keay, S., Earl, G., Hay, S., Kay, S., Ogden, J. and Strutt, K. (2008), ‘The potential of archaeological geophysics: The work of the British School at Rome in Italy’, in L. Orlandi (ed.), Geofisica per l’archeologia: possibilitĂ  e limiti. Atti del convegno Roma 10 Dicembre 2008. Rome: CISTEC, pp. 25–45.

Keay, S., Earl, G. Hay, S. Kay, S., Ogden, J. and Strutt, K. (2009), ‘The role of integrated geophysical survey in the assessment of archaeological landscapes: The case of Portus’. Archaeological Prospection 16 (3): 154–66.

Keay, S. with Earl, G., Beale, G., Davis, N., Ogden, J. and Strutt, K. (2013), ‘The Challenges of Port Landscapes. Integrating Geophysics, Open Area Excavation and Computer Graphic Visualization at Portus and the Isola Sacra’, in P. Johnson and M. Millett (edd.) Archaeological Survey and the City. University of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology Classical Archaeology Monograph no. 2:  303-57. Oxford: Oxbow, 303-57.

Keay, S. and Earl, G. (2013), ‘Portal di archeologia 1” Progetto Porto e i suoi connessioni’, in M. Serlorenzi (ed.) SITAR. Sistema informative territorial archaeological di Roma. Atti del II Convegno. Roma Palazzo Massimo 2011. Rome: Iuno Edizioni, 131-42.

Keay, S. and G. Earl (2020) ‘Digital Approaches to the Archaeology of the Portus Romae’, in AAVV Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica. 19thInternational Conference of Classical Archaeology 22-26 May 2018. Bonn, AIAC.

Keay, S., Felici, F., Kay, S., Mladenovic, D., Pomar, E., Cascino, R. & Frumenti, I. (2019), ‘The Roman Ports Project’, Papers of the British School at Rome 86: 302-10.

Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K. (2008), ‘Recent Archaeological Survey at Portus’, in R. Hohlfelder (ed.), The Maritime World of Ancient Rome. Proceedings of ‘The Maritime World of Ancient Rome’ Conference held at the American Academy in Rome 27-29 March 2003. Michigan: University of Michigan/American Academy in Rome, 97-104.

Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K. (2014), The Canal System and Tiber Delta at Portus. Assessing the nature of man-made waterways and their relationship with the natural Environment’, Water History 6: 11-30. 

Keay, S., Parcak, S. & Strutt, K. (2014), ‘High Resolution space and ground-based remote sensing and implications for landscape archaeology: the case of Portus, Italy’, Journal of Archaeological Science 52: 277-292.

Keay, S., Sebastiani, R. and Smith, C. (2015), ‘Portus’, in F. Pignataro, S. Sanchirico and C. Smith (edd.), Museum Dià. 1 Convegno Internazionale di Museologia. Politiche, poetiche e proposte per una narrazione museale. Atii del Incontro Internazionale di Studi. Rome: E.S.S, Editore, 406-13.

Keay, S. and Earl, G. (2012), ‘Portal di archeologia 1. Progetto Porto e I suoi connessioni, in M. Serlorenzi (ed.) SITAR. Sistema informative territorial archeologica di Roma. Atii del II Convegno. Roma Palazzo Massimo. Rome.

Keay, S., Woytek, B., Mladenović, D. (2022) ‘PORTVM TRAIANI: An interdisciplinary approach to the imagery of Trajan’s harbour at Portus’, Papers of the British School at Rome 90, 63–107

Mladenović, D., Moreno Escobar, M. C. (forthcoming 2025) ‘Connecting Rome, Ostia and Portus by land: Understanding the road network in the Lower Tiber valley through archaeological and computational approaches’, in Archaeologies of the Roman Mediterranean. Papers Presented in Honour of Prof. Simon Keay, eds A. Collar, P. Johnson & K.D. Strutt

Ogden, J., Keay, S., Earl, G., Strutt, K. and Kay, S. (2010), ‘Geophysical prospection at Portus: An evaluation of an integrated approach to the interpretation of subsurface archaeological features’, in B. Frischer, J. Webb Crawford and D. Koller (eds.), Making History Interactive. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Proceedings of the 37th International Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States of America, March 22–26. BAR International Series S2079. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 273–84. http://jrogden.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/ogdenetal2009.pdf

O’Connell, T., Ballantyne, R., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Margiritis, E., Oxford, Pantano, W. Millett, M. & Keay, S. (2019), ‘Living and Dying at the Portus Romae,’ Antiquity 93, 969: 719-34. 

Pannuzi, S. Salomon, F., Goiran, J. P., Keay, S., Strutt, K. and Rosa, C. (2020), ‘Ostia Antica, località Fiume Morto: una rilettura della problematica archaeologica alla luce delle nuove indagini geofisiche e geomorphologiche’, in F. Zevi and N. Laubry (edd.) Ricerche su Ostia e il suo Territorio. Atti del Quarto Seminario Ostiense. Rome, École française de Rome.

Richley, E. (2018), Three-Dimensional Geophysical Survey Data Integration at Portus, Italy. PhD University of Southampton.

Salomon, F., Delile, H., Goiran, J. P., Bravard, J. P. and Keay, S. (2012), ‘The Canale de Comunicazione Traverso in Portus: The Roman sea harbour under river influence (Tiber Delta, Italy)’, Geomorphologie: Relief, Processes, Environment 2012(1): 75–90.doi:10.4000/geomorphologie.9754

§Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Arnaud, P., Djerbi, H., Kay, S. and Keay, S. (2014), ‘A harbour–canal at Portus: A geoarchaeological approach to the Canale Romano: Tiber delta, Italy’. Water History 6: 31–49. doi:10.1007/s12685-014-0099-1

Salomon, F., Keay, S., Strutt, K., Goiran, J. P. and Germoni, P. (2016), ‘Connecting Portus with Ostia: Preliminary results of a geoarchaeological study of the navigable canal on the Isola Sacra’, in C. Sanchez and M. P. JĂ©zegou (eds.), Les ports dans l’espace MĂ©diterranĂ©en antique. Narbone et les systĂšmes portuaires fluvio-lagunaires. RĂ©vue ArchĂ©ologique Narbonniase SupplĂ©ment 44. Montpellier-Lattes: RĂ©vue ArchĂ©ologique de Narbonnaise, pp. 293–304. 

Salomon, F., Keay, S. Carayon, N. and Goiran, J.-P. (2016), ‘The Development and Characteristics of Ancient Harbours – Applying the PADM Chart to the Case Studies of Ostia and Portus,’ PLOS ONE 12(1): e0170140. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0170140 

Salomon, S. Goiran J.-P., Keay S. (2016), â€˜Un ModĂšle Âge-Profondeur PalĂ©oenvironnemental pour comprendre les milieux Ă© sĂ©dimentation complexe’,Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUIA 2016 – PalĂ©oclimats et environnements quaternaires, quoi de neuf sous le soleil ?, Bordeaux, February 16-18 2016. (http://www.ephe-paleoclimat.com/ColloqueQ10/programme.htm)

Salomon, F., J.-P. Goiran, P. Bellotti & Keay, S. (2017), ‘GĂ©oarchĂ©ologie Des Canaux de Portus – Estimation Des Gabarits’, in G. Caneva, C. Travaglini, C. Virlouvet (edd.)Roma,Tevere, Litorale. Ricerche tra passato e presente. Roma e il Suo Territorio 9. Rome: École française de Rome and UniversitĂ  degli Studi Roma Tre, 53-9.

Salomon, F. Keay, S., Carayon, N. and Goiran, J.P. (2017), ‘Un “modĂšle age-profondeur palĂ©oenvironmental pour interpreter sĂ©quences sĂ©dimentaires en milieu portuaire (Portus, Italie),’ Quaternaire 28/2, 167-72.

Salomon, F.,  Strutt, K.,  Mladenović, D., Goiran, J-P.,  Keay, S. (2023) ‘Management of fluvio-coastal dynamics in the Tiber delta during the Roman period: using an integrated waterways system to cope with environmental challenges at Ostia and Portus’, Water History 1-19. 10.1007/s12685-023-00324-3

Strutt, K. and Keay, S. (2008), ‘The role of integrated geophysical survey methods in the assessment of archaeological landscapes: The case of Portus’, in R. Lasaponara and N. Masini (eds.), Advances on Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management. Proceedings of the 1st International EARSeL Workshop CNR, Rome, September 30–October 4, 2008. Rome: Consiglio Nazionale di Ricerca, pp. 121–4.

Magazine Articles

Keay, S. (2010). Portus. The maritime gateway of Imperial Rome. Current World Archaeology 42 (August/September 2010): 18-21. 

Spinner, E. with Keay, S. (2010). Portus. Podium. March 2010. (Also featured on Podium Online).

Keay, S. (2009). Roman Mediterranean Ports. British Academy Bulletin 14. London. S. Keay (2009). La riscoperta del Palazzo Imperiale di Porto. Rivista di Archeo. Dicembre 2009. 

Ricciardi, V. (2009). L’antico scalo di Portus’ Archeologia Viva 139 (www.archeologiaviva.it/).