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Building survey

Ahead of the restoration work, that has now moved to another wall within the excavation area, we undertook further building survey of the standing structures. The focus of today's work was to plan the top of a long wall (c.8m), ahead of its restoration, that leads into the area of the latrines. Continue reading →

Topographic survey

Following the start of the new season of excavation at the Palazzo Imperiale, being undertaken together with a restoration project, we have started planning all the walls and floor surfaces. A few months back I undertook a photogrammetric survey of all the standing walls that will be restored in the area, and am now fixing these into the site plan. Yesterday we cleaned USM11043 and began a detailed survey of the wall. Continue reading →

New excavation season has started

The fourth season of excavation at Portus takes place between late March and early May 2011. As in previous years these have been undertaken by the University of Southampton, in conjunction with the British School at Rome and the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The area chosen for excavation lies to the south of areas excavated in previous years, but still within the confines of the Palazzo Imperiale. Continue reading →